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Demonic Vax?

by don - 2021-10-23 11:16:27 ( in education, research) [php version] rebuild

Energetic Viewpoint

*Do covid Vaccines Replace the Soul? *

by Paul


October 10, 2021

/AI- The Plan to Invade Humanity



"*Cyrus Parsa claims that with the interface and operating

system constructed inside the body by virtue of the "vaccine",

the soul is removed and a vacuum left, which facilitates an

alien-demonic entity to be downloaded into the body, which it

then controls.*"

(Disclaimer -- Paul is a longtime associate. This material is above

my pay grade but i post because it is also the most interesting

article I have come across today. I invite more knowledgeable

readers to weight in.)

*by Paul*


*Having worked in different aspects of law enforcement* and

intelligence for 47 years, I can state unequivocally that this

campaign is unnatural and inhumanly so, in that not a single whistle

blower or defector, out of approx 3 or 4 thousand people at a

minimum estimate, that have intimate and detailed inside knowledge,

has come forward with the inside narrative concerning the ostensible

genocide, being carried out in almost every country in the world.

i.e. where so called vaccination programs have taken place.

This is beyond cognitive dissonance, Stockholm syndrome,

programming, hypnosis, other forms of mind control and propaganda /

deception / influence ops, bribery & corruption and other effects of

plain fear and psychoses).

A money trail is apparent but that is not proof of what ostensibly

is intentional genocide. Nor is speculating about eugenics and

depopulation or genocide penned in books by some of the genocidal

architects, only circumstantial evidence which alone would not even

make a charge, let alone get to court.

Not a single insider defector. Nothing has ever been kept that

secret without defectors in world history ... so I look at the

occult and theological. Certainly, there is circumstantial,

photographic evidence of satanism, most notably Britain's preeminent

banking family.

So now I am looking intoCyrus Parsa's claims

- alien-demonic.

Normally that would be considered off the wall or barking mad, but

the insanity taking place within officialdom, especially

demonstrated by B2 (bloated buffoon -- Boris son) and the

Cadaver-in-Chief (dribbling Joe Biden), it might be more than


*Cyrus Parsa, left, holds firmly that the vaccine nano tech

replicates and gets inside almost every cell in the body, takes over

and then eliminates in its original form a part of the brain which

in the natural human brain area , is in some theological circles

attributed to be the primary area made in God's image in the human

body. He then claims that with the interface and operating system

constructed inside the body by virtue of the "vaccine", the soul is

removed and a vacuum left, which facilitates an alien-demonic entity

to be downloaded into the body, which it then controls.* Some

Quantum physics is involved as is indicted in his court-filed case.

Certainly, that would explain why rank & file police and armed

forces are getting injected under coercion. At first, I puzzled over

how they will enforce the entire program with so many police and

military decimated with adverse effects, But if they are to run as a

form of externally-controlled bio-machine, normal moral constraints

will not apply. Moreover, under full martial law, executions on the

spot, carried out by police *, can take place within minutes on

flimsy charges and a hearing 'trial' carried out by a checkpoint

subaltern, then Parsa's theory holds water.

A short supplementary

addition with Parsa on the Stew Peters show: "AI Organization

Founder: "Nano Tech Vaccines are Extinction Agenda."

Interesting times, if shockingly evil, and especially now in

Australia and Canada.

* In war or under full martial law, police will be armed with smgs

and carry out such terrible things; at least this was informed to us

by two training sergeants back in the 1975 in a Surrey cadet class

that I was in. I've not heard of the topic since, but know how

ruthless all politicians can be.


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